Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne and spots for black women and at home remedies for acne redness

You better know your stage- You see acne is something which goes through several stages. Some people have mild acne, some have moderate while other have severe acne. You need to act according to your acne condition. If your condition is severe than it's best recommended to consult a skin doctor immediately as you are past easily curable condition.
Topical Creams or Lotions: These are popular treatments. they could contain any of Vitamin A, benzoyl peroxide, and antibiotics.
Types of acne treatment products are known to be very effective. With those acne treatment products you should tack acne in the first week. Here are some examples of products that have formula based on peroxide and salicylic acid; the frailest enemies of the bacteria that cause those skin eruptions:
tags: best acne mask, natural acne medicine, natural cure for acne

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