Monday, August 4, 2008

Metal in drinking water causes acne and acne solutions

First of all, I'll tell you why it happens. Hormones and genetics are to blame! There is little we can do about either. However we can understand what happens and then work with it. During the teen years your hormones are all over the place, your moods are up and down, sometimes you are full of energy and sometimes you just want to sleep. On top of all this there are yukky things like parents and exams which never go together without the word STRESS.
There are more ways to remove scarring from acne than you may think. When acne begins which is normally during the onset of puberty, the body starts to produce hormones that cause an excess of sebum in the skin. As this phase passes, it definitely leaves scarring that sometimes can be there for a very long time.
Women more than men suffer from this condition and you would understand why when you have looked at some the causative factors. Somethings that cause adult Acne include -
tags: azelaic acid for acne, best treatment for pcos acne, best treatment acne scars african american skin

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